Model2Vec is a technique from MinishLab wherein static-embeddings are generated from a sentence-transformer model, thus reducing the process of encoding a sentence to a tokenize + lookup + pool operation instead of performing a forward-pass on the sentence-transformer model.

What is Model2Vec?

  • The vocabulary of a sentence-transformer model is about 32K tokens. We can store the embeddings for each of these tokens in a lookup table.
  • To encode a sentence, we tokenize it, fetch the token embeddings from the lookup table and pool them to get a sentence embedding.
  • As you might have noticed, these embeddings are not contextual i.e. the embedding of a token does not depend on the tokens preceding it in the input sequence.
  • These embeddings are also compressed with PCA to reduce their dimensions.
  • The authors claim that the use of PCA increases performance as it normalizes the resulting space.


On-Device RAG

  • A fast sentence-embedding model can be useful in RAG applications where semantic similarity between two pieces of text has to be computed.
  • The size of the lookup table for 32K tokens with each token having an embedding of length 256 sums to
  • This is ideal for on-device applications, for e.g. on mobile devices, where there are space constraints.

Conversion to a more portable format

  • The codebase for Model2Vec is in Python, which is not a good choice to run it in a native Android or iOS application.
  • The Python package model2vec essentially loads the embeddings from a safetensors file and the tokenizer from tokenizer.json (HuggingFace tokenizers) and computes the sentence embeddings.
  • The good news, both, the HuggingFace tokenizers and HuggingFace safetensors are written in Rust. The authors of Model2Vec provide a pre-distilled version of  baai/bge-base-en-v1.5 sentence transformer model.
  • We can use the Rust packages of tokenizers and safetensors to write a library which produces sentence embeddings and then expose C-like interface for interaction with other languages (like Kotlin/Java for Android).

Rust Implementation


We create a new Rust project (currently an executable binary) with cargo new model2vec and the required packages to the Cargo.toml found in the resulting directory,

name = "model2vec"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
tokenizers = "0.21.0"
safetensors = "0.5.2"
memmap2 = "0.9.5"
anyhow = "1.0.95"
rayon = "1.10.0"

The dependencies are:

  1. tokenizers for loading HuggingFace’s tokenizer.json and to encode textual sequences.
  2. safetensors for loading embeddings.safetensors which gives the access to token embeddings for all 32 tokens present in the model’s vocabulary.
  3. memmap2 to create a memory-mapped file for embeddings.safetensors.
  4. anyhow, from Comprehensive Rust, The anyhow crate provides a rich error type with support for carrying additional contextual information, which can be used to provide a semantic trace of what the program was doing leading up to the error.
  5. rayon for data-parallelism and multi-threading.

The StaticModel struct

We create a module named that will contain a struct StaticModel providing functions like encode to produce sentence embeddings for a given text.

use anyhow::Ok;
use anyhow::Result;
use memmap2::MmapOptions;
use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefIterator;
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
use safetensors::SafeTensors;
use std::fs::File;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use tokenizers::Tokenizer;
pub struct StaticModel {
    tokenizer: Tokenizer,
    embedding_dims: usize,
    embeddings_u8: Vec<u8>,

The structure the binary data for the embeddings and the dimensions for each embedding. To instantiate this structure, we define a StaticModel::new function,

impl StaticModel {
    pub fn new(embeddings_filepath: &str, tokenizer_filepath: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        // load the tokenizer
        let tokenizer: Tokenizer = Tokenizer::from_file(tokenizer_filepath).expect("");
        // load the embeddings
        let tensor_file: File = File::open(embeddings_filepath)?;
        let buffer = unsafe { MmapOptions::new().map(&tensor_file)? };
        let tensors = SafeTensors::deserialize(&buffer)?;
        let embeddings_tensor_view = tensors.tensor("embeddings")?;
        let embeddings_u8 =;
        let embedding_dims = embeddings_tensor_view.shape()[1];
        Ok(StaticModel {

Now comes the interesting part, implementing the StaticModel::encode function which given sequences: Vec<String> returns embeddings of type Vec<Vec<f32>>.

impl StaticModel {
    // StaticModel::new()
    pub fn encode(&self, sequences: &Vec<String>, num_threads: usize) -> Result<Vec<Vec<f32>>> {
        // set num threads for Rayon
        // tokenize the input sequences
        let tokenized_sequences = self
            .encode_batch(sequences.to_vec(), false)
            .expect("tokenizer.encode_batch failed");
        // use a mutex to ensure atomic access to the embeddings Vec.
        let embeddings_mutex: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Vec<f32>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
        tokenized_sequences.par_iter().for_each(|sequence| {
            let ids: &[u32] = sequence.get_ids();
            // the sentence embeddings, obtained after pooling/averaging
            // all `token_embedding`
            let mut sentence_embedding: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; self.embedding_dims];
            for id in ids { // for each id in the tokenized sequence
                let token_embedding: &[f32] = self.get_embedding(*id as usize);
                for di in 0..self.embedding_dims {
                    sentence_embedding[di] += token_embedding[di];
            for di in 0..self.embedding_dims {
                sentence_embedding[di] /= ids.len() as f32;
        let embeddings = embeddings_mutex.lock().unwrap().clone();
    fn get_embedding(&self, index: usize) -> &[f32] {
        // slice the raw embeddings data
        let embedding_raw: &[u8] = &self.embeddings_u8
            [index * self.embedding_dims * 4..(index + 1) * self.embedding_dims * 4];
        // cast embedding_raw to a *const f32 to parse as a float-array
        // instead of u8 array
        let len: usize = embedding_raw.len();
        let ptr: *const f32 = embedding_raw.as_ptr() as *const f32;
        unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len / 4) }

The index of the embedding in the raw data is its token ID. We obtain the slice from the raw data and cast it to a *const f32 to get a f32 array.

Let’s write some code to get embeddings in,

mod static_model;
use anyhow::{Ok, Result};
use static_model::StaticModel;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let static_model = StaticModel::new("embeddings.safetensors", "tokenizer.json")?;
    let inputs = vec![
        String::from("It's dangerous to go alone!"),
        String::from("It's a secret to everybody."),
    let embeddings = static_model.encode(&inputs, 4)?;
    for embedding in embeddings {
        println!("{:?}", embedding);

These are the same sentences included by the authors of Model2Vec in the of the project. On running the executable with cargo run,

[-6.062381, -1.5545515, -5.0984917, 2.099059, 0.6878451, 1.9142252, -2.805557, 0.9798312, 0.5798943, 1.8842146, -2.9659731, 1.3618052, 1.1411309, -0.66664845, 2.61916, -1.3473017, 3.8661003, 1.0561283, -0.11547451, 2.4597473, 0.86268514, 0.57152665, -1.8901768, -1.4163082, -0.6279257, -0.65686285, 0.88550055, 1.6368501, 0.5986386, -0.12917002, -0.16199933, 1.7613158, 1.359037, -2.609987, 0.45865658, 1.1723642, 3.0539, -1.6516464, -0.06350985, 0.8703271, 0.27223834, 0.5241103, -0.63625324, 1.1554337, -0.5713408, 0.80762815, 2.5786963, 0.08609018, -0.5585427, -0.15418807, -0.5366878, -1.0179839, 1.6285973, -1.3136624, 0.2147216, 1.2835652, -1.698041, -1.5122787, 1.5071486, -1.5159504, 0.07437308, 0.9576184, -1.1952554, -1.0150384, 0.07655884, -2.256091, 1.0543764, 0.95232487, 2.8377798, 0.0918544, 0.53704554, 0.7783982, 1.4082336, -0.038419887, -0.18429558, -0.7649706, 1.0153078, 0.3931616, -0.59539235, 2.5317721, -0.6503701, 0.052558437, -0.26835978, 1.7136263, -2.3584037, 1.4950824, -1.6488646, -1.5430261, 1.4526038, -3.1716123, -1.8124771, 1.3286778, 2.150063, 0.38093346, -0.68572515, -0.36874622, -1.3646579, 1.723564, -1.2197155, 1.6349839, -0.09755337, 0.30339906, -1.3862239, -0.17300001, -0.68491364, -1.3000839, 0.54946804, -1.1279598, 2.8317895, -0.33907315, 1.3647276, 0.02645266, 0.253199, 0.31234154, 0.67832196, -0.6554457, 0.16064125, -2.6008806, 1.1940062, -0.73480797, -1.0374694, 2.5018816, 0.29112464, 0.44804728, 0.2946486, 0.32670557, -1.874754, 0.93468606, 0.3702876, -0.8231077, 0.0025781132, 0.76615685, 0.27371526, -0.1791095, -1.0268447, 0.26974455, 0.53118414, 1.8019879, 2.4131038, 1.0147654, 1.2114263, -1.442251, -0.6819745, 2.5206609, 0.3976662, 0.97252184, 1.7872707, -0.88014424, 0.652184, -0.11817723, 0.021888867, -0.98354065, 0.22938779, 3.7347405, 1.6754321, -3.508242, -2.303398, 0.7339891, 2.2544053, -0.36084908, 0.15955457, -1.3541389, -2.8540068, -1.1680337, 0.11558508, 0.0011304617, -1.3428507, 0.41419068, -0.18025596, 0.6059449, -0.088956565, 0.942282, 0.728949, -0.11537789, 0.13964233, 0.77633667, -0.14567141, -0.07622194, 1.185357, -0.9122021, 0.1589686, -0.16714656, 0.6794307, -0.8326399, -0.6716671, 1.1819272, 0.7107702, -1.5916209, 1.9055943, -0.59011525, 0.3618587, 2.6446857, -0.9702283, 1.6232251, 1.9724056, -0.21293975, 1.0337882, 2.6286082, -2.5753727, -0.9975584, -0.5151176, 0.28342497, 0.88990104, 0.582082, 0.18967497, -1.2473122, 0.8467652, -0.7425349, 0.012134321, 0.37099764, 1.4211557, 0.09102595, -0.3127473, -1.3207991, 1.1240747, -0.7805079, 0.37666726, -1.9092792, 0.8678582, 0.005088061, -2.165389, -0.5171934, 0.29700917, -0.51977855, 0.8541367, -1.2363023, -0.30734563, -0.85690427, 0.39203992, 0.3321757, -0.83660173, 1.1959959, -0.57259166, 0.75185806, -0.26735374, 0.2545839, -0.0029066354, 1.0669718, 0.04697463, -0.7108304, -0.9279256, 0.6714646, 0.048637867, -0.8352596, 0.19012898, 0.8764433, 0.1408397, -0.20475186, 0.6068979, -0.89105505, 1.1341738, -0.54343957, 1.8856088, 1.0558753, 0.1704104, 0.0724985]

[-6.7709017, -1.7427853, -0.6825185, -1.2152479, 1.9106612, 1.309958, -0.71968544, -1.2013556, 1.9377314, 5.085854, -2.5336845, 1.5957739, -1.3834323, 0.31336504, 4.094859, 1.1188592, 3.1228871, 0.9327519, 0.3729151, 2.4226913, 3.7890875, -0.7222133, -1.8862313, -0.47458547, -0.2135025, 0.2872669, -0.17230195, 0.37359363, -3.0385203, -1.0574137, 1.5955627, -1.3514857, 2.0800862, 0.19144303, 0.03821115, 2.5536313, 1.587122, -2.6337285, -2.4472027, 0.69117314, 0.15786918, 1.021182, -1.5274317, -1.2304488, -0.9320693, 0.78526, 1.9650898, 0.14898002, -0.31987607, -2.8111129, -0.27600247, -2.482934, 0.31992894, 0.9268683, 0.60779124, 0.6769286, -1.1252868, -0.10893522, 1.583445, -1.684909, 2.5377135, -0.34598076, -0.035452366, -2.2760117, -1.3306732, -1.9392102, -0.4559238, -0.4427015, 1.91725, 0.09187974, 1.2816904, 1.5855871, -0.67267936, 0.19437376, -0.37785286, -0.6873005, 1.2155861, 0.7973621, 0.34811163, 2.0692267, 0.5726788, 0.24627843, 0.39943683, -2.2146764, -0.47445166, -1.8044326, -2.4458656, -0.9955376, 1.9761384, -2.1275027, -1.5075816, 1.4590108, 3.2647738, -1.5955731, -1.2645248, 0.8024656, -1.15804, -0.41567, -1.5341094, 1.9647448, -1.6284541, 2.480859, -0.5656401, 0.6234371, -2.8440108, -0.85672176, -0.1775991, -0.28636375, 3.3037713, -1.0519713, 2.5383265, 1.0486845, -0.8530821, -0.026071567, -0.06542225, -0.70431876, -0.90636855, -1.1598448, 0.5338694, 1.1182172, -2.588242, 2.1212413, -1.0706013, 0.28512943, 1.4060966, 0.030680805, -0.8223305, 0.14657708, -0.45788208, 0.8524926, -1.4439392, 1.6334343, 1.5376487, 1.0941782, 0.208169, -0.71627706, 0.7416445, -1.0906687, 0.15202078, 0.82874846, 1.9824876, -1.6938905, -0.3673666, 0.44611537, -0.12016955, 1.1073523, -0.07328738, -1.2971697, 1.888833, -1.1386307, 0.5085306, -1.6601198, -1.6068884, 2.363585, 2.1150498, -2.906581, -1.6668851, -0.03533417, 2.3731391, -1.4015625, -0.64529705, -1.189023, -1.6940054, 0.9298807, 0.47311282, -0.91809916, -0.96908075, -0.4989406, -0.223361, -0.81780994, -1.8786337, -0.48931906, 1.6521071, 1.1645827, 0.4577713, -0.6927124, -1.279851, -0.69219416, -0.19899127, -1.190292, 1.1515251, 0.40580997, 1.2623837, 0.72085184, 0.71631914, 1.8757875, 0.8096778, 1.5118188, 0.7785634, -1.2907723, 1.0201141, 1.6203743, -2.019534, -0.36370814, 0.80062735, -0.6610102, 0.7638037, 1.0461193, -3.1233761, -1.5993708, 0.56475323, 0.9712727, 1.3132973, 0.8402577, 1.9719452, 0.8027752, -0.07514961, -1.2904321, -0.6096111, 0.15057074, 1.2230872, 0.38019362, 0.0116705, -1.3957986, 1.5922043, 0.66761446, 0.43974298, -0.7907469, 0.681283, 0.8896071, -0.8054414, 0.2600738, 1.1196597, -0.41986942, -0.416831, -1.2588446, 0.35978705, -0.23960058, -0.03143947, 0.10429024, 1.1214565, 0.7776127, 0.5022755, 1.1390584, -0.3844561, 0.080986775, -0.43193513, -0.6183974, 0.12137005, -0.12838833, -1.6376299, 0.23406458, -0.25467387, -1.8697625, 0.6247519, 2.0806153, 0.67795646, 0.5341332, -1.0374103, -0.4080578, 0.61277854, 0.935323, 0.8713538, 0.79788315, 0.20516403, -0.8103115]

The output is identical to the Python snippet used in the,

from model2vec import StaticModel
# Load a model from the HuggingFace hub (in this case the potion-base-8M model)
model = StaticModel.from_pretrained("minishlab/potion-base-8M")
# Make embeddings
embeddings = model.encode(["It's dangerous to go alone!", "It's a secret to everybody."])